Why build a program when you can build a community?

Robert Clements, Loylogic’s Lead Consultant, joined us at our Loylogic LIVE event recently to explore one of the biggest opportunities and challenges loyalty program leaders have today: the all-important transition to community driven engagement.

In his presentation, which can be viewed on demand below, Rob discussed how customer engagement has evolved over time and how brands can leverage communities to build a more personal, dynamic and connected experience with their customers. As he says, why build a program when you can build a community?

Key talking points include:

- The definition of community-driven engagement and how it has matured into a viable strategy for most customer-centric organizations.
- The six elements that brands can leverage to build a sense of community.
- Four reasons why brands should invest in community-driven engagement.
- Key steps to building a community, including identifying the right customers, integrating them into the right engagement framework, finding the right incentives, community management, and celebrating the contributions of the community.

To find out how, through embracing community driven engagements, you can build brand new, deep connections and passionate advocates for your brand, press play below.

To talk to Rob in more details about community driven engagement and how to build engagement for your loyalty program, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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