Creating incremental value for your loyalty program by marketing your community

Continuing our review of the best sessions from our recent Loylogic LIVE event, this time we’re sharing a great conversation all about creating incremental value from an FMCG loyalty program by marketing your community.

In this session, Joël Muller from Nescafé Dolce Gusto PREMIO and Dani Schmidt from Loylogic delve into the world of FMCG loyalty programs and how incremental value can be created, using Nescafé Dolce Gusto’s supremely successful multi-market Premio Loyalty scheme as an example.

Key talking points from the session include:

- The need to partner with brands that are relevant to your target audience. This will increase the value proposition of a program and make it more relevant to members.

- Carefully select brands to partner with. The brands should be a good fit with your brand and target audience, which means understanding your program members is vitally important.

- This isn't about selling member data. You can partner with brands by inviting them into an ecosystem where they can offer their value proposition to members. Members can then decide whether or not they are interested.

- There’s an opportunity to charge brands a fee for access to your target audience. This can be done through a co-funding model where the brand pays for points that are redeemed by members.

The video from the Loylogic LIVE session can be viewed below, or head to Loylogic's YouTube channel here to view all the session videos from Loylogic LIVE.

To discuss how Loylogic can help you build a new FMCG loyalty program or supercharge your existing one, just like we have for Nescafé Dolce Gusto, click here and we’ll be in touch.

Like this? Then don't miss our podcast featuring Joël and Dani here.



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